19 October 2007

Preaching as Worship

"Preaching that does not have the aroma of God's greatness may entertain for a season, but it will not touch the hidden cry of the soul: "Show me thy glory!"

(John Piper. Supremacy of God in Preaching, 9)

Shane Bowman: "Sober-Minded Ministry," 2 Timothy 4.1-8

Jason French: "Brothers, Preach Jesus Christ as Lord!" 2 Corinthians 4.1-6

Elijah Layfield: "When Jesus Beats His Ministers," Luke 12.41-48

Toph Majors: "Look to Jesus," Hebrews 12.1-2

Nathan Miller: "The Only Way to Stand Is on Your Knees," Luke 22.24-46

08 October 2007

The Last of the Gentleman Scholars

Dan Wallace has a truly edifying article remembering the late Dr. C.F.D. Moule. I found myself wanting to be like Moule in many aspects. In my mind, he represented an ideal (imperfectly in some major areas) of the behavior of a scholar.


04 October 2007

Quoting from Hebrews

Here's the link to Ryan Ferguson's recitation of Hebrews 9-10 that Pastor John mentioned in class.

03 October 2007

The Audiobook of a Saintly Sinner

David Brainerd (1718-1747) is most remembered through Edwards’s publication of the Life and Diary of David Brainerd. William Carey, the father of the modern missionary movement considered the work a sacred text. The diary records Brainerd’s life, spiritual disciplines, and missionary work to the Indians in the American northeast. And there are at least eight reasons that his life and diary have made such an impact. First, his life was a picture of God’s providence. All his earthly plans were shattered only to find his perfect place in God’s work for him. Second, he was passionate in his pursuit of God. It was contagious in his life and through his diary. Third, he was ardent in his desire that the Lord’s kingdom come among the heathen. Fourth, he was humble in his estimation of himself and talents. Fifth, he was zealous in his love for his people and honest about the struggle to love them. Sixth, he was faithful to his calling even in the midst of unfruitfulness. Seventh, he was triumphant in his perseverance through suffering. Eighth, he was saintly in dying.

This month, Christianaudio.com is offering an audio reading of Edwards's
Life and Diary of David Brainerd for FREE. Regularly, the nine hours of audio are $26.00. But by entering the code, OCT2007, you can download them for free. I recommend doing that right away.


01 October 2007

Responses to Rick's Questions for Children

It is interesting that over at Justin Taylor's blog, they are discussing the questions given to us by Rick from our Preaching as Worship class. Some of the comments are pretty sad. Some of them remind me why I should avoid the comments section of blogs. Nonetheless, perhaps it would be helpful if we can discern a response. Why don't you give a read.